Listen to the poets – for my MA Creative Writing students

Following our discussion of Robert Creeley’s poem, “I Know a Man”, you may be interested in listening to the poet reading the poem at different times in his life. These recordings can be found at PennSound, which is a living archive of modern and contemporary poets:

You can also listen to William Carlos Williams reading “The Red Wheelbarrow” on the same site.


The Black Path free literary event, Wed 23 October.

Don’t forget that there will be a free reading of work from The Black Path by last year’s students on the MA Creative Writing course.

The reading will take place in MC0025, 12.00 – 1.00, Wednesday 23 October (2013). Work will include poems, flash fiction and extracts from longer pieces.

Everyone welcome.

Creative Writing MA students publish their first anthology.


Students on the 2012-2013 year of the MA in Creative Writing have published an impressive paperback anthology of their own work.

The Black Path 1 (a second collection is nearing completion) comprises poems, flash fiction, short stories and novel extracts written by the students during the course of their studies.

What’s special about the book is that the students took the publishing initiative themselves, building on what they had learned during the MA. All the writing, collation, editing, design, typesetting and marketing is student-driven. Overall Editor is Shirley Bell, already a well-published poet.

The Black Path 1 is 132 pages long and can be bought from Amazon at £6.58.

A reading by contributors to the anthology will take place in the University on Wednesday, 23 October, 12.00 – 1.00 in room MC0025. More details to follow.

Contributors: Shirley Bell, Cassandra Cash, Stephen Blessett, Laura Clipson, Tina Daley, Stewart Norvill, Muayyad Elwaheidi, Jennifer Fytelson, Joel Leverton, Ian Turner, Matt Ellis and Rosemary Temple.

Publishing success for two of our MA Creative Writers.

Two of our students, Jennifer Fytelson and Shirley Bell, have had poems accepted in magazines.

Jennifer recently had a poem in The Mitre, North America’s oldest literary magaine, published by Bishop’s University in Canada.

Shirley has a poem in a forthcoming issue of The Rialto, one of the UK’s top poetry magazines and publishers.

Congratulations to both of them!

Creative Writing MA grad, Nick, sets up his own online business.



Nick Beaumont (graduated 2011), has launched his own online business, NPcontent, specialising in content production, SEO-enhancement and advertising copy. Having spent two years in China, Nick is also able to help businesses who are planning to work there.

Take a look at NBcontent.